
Digital Cultural communication

The perception of culture is as diverse as people themselves, and it should remain so. With Exolorum, we provide guests with the opportunity to see and experience culture the way they desire.

A app with many opportunities 

With Explorum you can already provide your participants with an exciting and diverse experience 

Diffrent types of posts

There is the option to create both text-based and multiple-choice questions with Explorum.

Map view

The participant can choose whether to use satellite or explore view.

Media assisted

On the posters, there are pictures, videos, youtube content, and audio files.

Hidden posters

There is the option to create hidden posts, where the participants must find the post within a certain radius.


You can determine how close the participant needs to be in meters before the post is discovered. 

Find the next poster

Explorum constantly informs the participants about the distance to the next post. With a single click, the participant can zoom out to see their own location and the next post